
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Song of the soul

I am absolute contentment,
and ever-present joy;
an ocean of peace,
and unconditional love am I.

Unattached to wealth, possessions and knowledge,
free of expectations of approval, appreciation or attention,
uninterested in respect, fame or recognition;
ever content in the fullness of Self am I.

I have nothing to gain, nothing to lose
nothing to show, nothing to hide;
desireless, fearless and free of anger and pride;
unchanging awareness, pure and simple am I.

Emotions and thoughts, come and go,
like waves of the ocean, high and low;
to keep them from drifting you from the path,
Anchor yourself deeply to the truth of who you really are.

I am the seer behind the seen,
I am the knower behind the known,
I have no beginning, middle nor end,
Eternal awareness bliss am I, Sat-Chit-Anand

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Love Vs Lust

Lust makes one restless,
Love makes one peaceful.

Lust makes one dependent,
Love sets one free.

Lust makes one needy,
Love makes one Charitable.

Lust makes one deceitful,
Love makes one sincere.

Lust makes one jealous,
Love makes one magnanimous.

Lust makes one angry,
Love makes one compassionate.

Lust leads to temporary gratification,
Love rests in timeless contenment.

Lust makes one agonize in pain of craving,
Love make one bask in joy of freedom.

Lust is insatiable,
Love is immeasurable.

Lust is conditional,
Love has no expectations.

Lust makes one business-like,
Love makes one God-like.

Lust makes one lonely,
Love makes one complete.