
Monday, December 18, 2006

Act playfully in the world o Raghava

Sage vasishtha advised Rama as follows upon his enlightenment...

"Steady in the state of fullness, which shines when all desires are given up, and peaceful in the state of freedom in life, act playfully in the world, O Raghava!"

"Inwardly free from all desires, dispassionate and detached, but outwardly active in all directions, act playfully in the world, O Raghava!"

"Free from egoism, with mind detached as in sleep, pure like the sky, ever untainted, act playfully in the world, O Raghava!"

"Conducting yourself nobly with kindly tenderness, outwardly conforming to conventions, but inwardly renouncing all, act playfully in the world, O Raghava!"

"Quite unattached at heart but for all appearance acting as with attachment, inwardly cool but outwardly full of fervour, act playfully in the world, O Raghava!"

The above verses are from Yoga Vasistha selected by Sri Ramana Maharshi to instruct a disciple on how an enlightened person conducts himself in this world.

Progress in meditation

The following is from 'Living by the words of Bhagavan (Ramana)' by David Godman (Pg 18)

"Questioner: How am I to know if I am making any progress in my meditation?"

"Annamalai Swami: Those who meditate a lot often develop a subtleform of ego. They become pleased with the idea that they are makingsome progress; they become pleased with the states of peace andbliss that they enjoy; they become pleased that they have learned toexercise some control over their wayward minds; or they may derivesome satisfaction from the fact that they have found a good Guru orgood method of meditation. All these feelings are ego feelings. Whenego feelings are present, awareness of the Self is absent. Thethought "I am meditating" is an ego thought. If real meditation istaking place, this thought cannot arise."

"Don't worry about whether you are making progress or not. Just keepyour attention on the Self twenty-four hours a day. Meditation isnot something that should be done in a particular position at aparticular time. It is an awareness and an attitude that mustpersist throughout the day. To be effective, meditation must becontinuous."

"If you want to water a field you dig a channel to the field and sendwater continuously along it for a lengthy period of time. If yousend water for only ten seconds and then stop, the water sinks intothe ground even before it reaches the field. You will not be able toreach the Self and stay there without a prolonged, continuouseffort. Each time you give up trying, or get distracted, some ofyour previous effort goes to waste."

"Continuous inhalation and exhalation are necessary for thecontinuance of life. Continuous meditation is necessary for allthose who want to stay in the Self."